Hope as Light

Revisiting a five-year-old design is an interesting process. The Original design of the hope journal had been done hand in hand with my friend who taught me to design journals, so I called on him again. When we looked over the original design, we found

Finding Hope in the Dark

Darkness will never defeat sunrise.https://www.facebook.com/resolutomedia/photos/a.117981651902393/1330276470672899/ Little bit of Light Five years after I designed my journals, in the middle of a pandemic, in a job I was literally itching to escape. We were in lockdown and I found that work was a lot better because of

Employment and mental health

Photo by JACK REDGATE from Pexels Limited Joy I landed what I thought would be a dream job, three years after designing the journals. I was so optimistic about the job. It did not take long for the dream to turn into a nightmare. The job was all consuming, it

What do I do? Do Something

I thought of an idea from scratch, and pursued it using my resources and relationships to get to where I needed to go on a very limited budget.

Unemployment ≠ failure

So instead of sitting and waiting for a job opportunity to come, I sat down and wrote a list of things I enjoy doing, and the corresponding skills I need to get.

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